
2 febbraio 2025 / NEWS

Top Ranking Corriere della Sera

Il nostro Studio è stato inserito tra i vincitori del contest “Studio Legale dell’anno 2025 TOP RANKING”, promosso da Corriere della Sera e Ranking Professioni.
La valutazione è stata formulata da un apposito comitato scientifico sulla base di una molteplicità di parametri ai quali è stato assegnato uno specifico punteggio, tra i quali numero di citazioni su riviste specializzate e numero di pubblicazioni di libri e di articoli, tecnologia e sistemi di intelligenza artificiale.
Siamo orgogliosi di essere stati selezionati nella fascia TOP degli studi, quella più elevata.


2 February 2025 / NEWS

Top Ranking Corriere della Sera

Our Firm has been included among the winners of the "Law Firm of the Year 2025 TOP RANKING" contest, promoted by Corriere della Sera and Ranking Professioni.
The evaluation was formulated by a special scientific committee based on a variety of parameters to which a specific score was assigned, including the number of citations in specialized journals and the number of publications of books and articles, technology and artificial intelligence systems.
We are proud to have been selected in the TOP band of firms, the highest level.



9 dicembre 2024 / NEWS

Leaders League: Italy Best Law Firm 2025

Siamo entusiasti di condividere che per il terzo anno consecutivo il nostro Studio è stato riconosciuto da Leaders League quale Leading firm, tier 1, nella categoria Wealth management.
Questo risultato riflette la dedizione, la competenza e il lavoro di squadra dei nostri professionisti del team specializzato in Private Client.

9 December 2024 / NEWS

Leaders League: Italy Best Law Firm 2025

We are thrilled to share that for the third consecutive year, our Firm has been recognized by Leaders League as a Leading firm, tier 1, in the Wealth management category. This result reflects the dedication, expertise, and teamwork of our professionals in the specialized Private Client team.


15 aprile 2024 / NEWS

Vasapolli & Associati Firm of the year 2024
Private Clients & Wealth Management

Per il terzo anno consecutivo la giuria del prestigioso Premio Legalcommunity Tax Award ci attribuisce il premio di Studio o Professionista dell’anno nella categoria Private Clients & Wealth Management; un risultato che ci onora e che è il frutto di un lungo percorso di specializzazione professionale.

15 April 2024 / NEWS

Vasapolli & Associati Firm of the year 2024
Private Clients & Wealth Management

For the third year in a row, the jury of the prestigious Legalcommunity Tax Award has awarded us the prize of Firm or Professional of the Year in the Private Clients & Wealth Management category; a recognition which honours us and which is the outcome of a long path of professional specialisation.


27 ottobre 2023 / NEWS

League Migliori Studi Legali
Wealth Management

Siamo particolarmente orgogliosi di essere stati indicati da Leaders League anche per il ranking 2024 quale studio Leading di fascia 1 nel settore Wealth Management.
È un prestigioso riconoscimento dell’alto livello di specializzazione del nostro team dedicato alle problematiche della pianificazione patrimoniale, passaggio generazionale e protezione dei patrimoni, guidato dal nostro managing partner Andrea Vasapolli.

Leaders League

27 October 2023 / NEWS

Leaders League Best Law Firms
Wealth Management

We are particularly proud to have been named by Leaders League as a Band 1 Leading Firm in the Wealth Management sector for the 2024 ranking.
This is a prestigious recognition of the high level of specialisation of our wealth planning, generational transition and asset protection team, led by our Managing Partner Andrea Vasapolli.

Leaders League


14 aprile 2023 / NEWS

Tax Award per la categoria
Private Client e Wealth Management

Un altro prestigioso riconoscimento per il nostro partner Andrea Vasapolli, che per il secondo anno consecutivo è stato premiato quale Professionista dell'anno anche ai LegalCommunity Tax Award per la categoria Private Client e Wealth Management.
Un ulteriore importante riconoscimento per tutto il nostro team dedicato ai Private Client per le problematiche di pianificazione, protezione e trasmissione dei patrimoni.

14 April 2023 / NEWS

Tax Awards for the Private Client
and Wealth Management category

Another prestigious recognition for our partner Andrea Vasapolli, who for the second year in a row was awarded Professional of the Year also at the LegalCommunity Tax Awards for the Private Client and Wealth Management category.
This is yet another important recognition for our entire team dedicated to Private Clients for asset planning, asset protection and generational handover issues.


1 aprile 2023 / NEWS

Top Legal Industry Awards
VIII Edizione

Abbiamo il piacere di comunicare che il nostro patner Andrea Vasapolli è stato premiato quale Professionista dell’anno, categoria Wealth Management, ai TopLegal Industry Awards 2023.

1 April 2023 / NEWS

Top Legal Industry Awards
VIII Edizione

We are pleased to announce that our partner Andrea Vasapolli has been awarded Professional of the Year, Wealth Management category at the TopLegal Industry Awards 2023.


3 gennaio 2023 / NEWS

200 Top Advisors

Il nostro partner Andrea Vasapolli selezionato tra i 200 Top Advisor dalla rivista We Wealth.

3 January 2023 / NEWS

200 Top Advisors

Our partner Andrea Vasapolli selected among the 200 Top Advisors by We Wealth magazine.



5 dicembre 2022 / NEWS

Best Law Firms for Wealth Managemet

Leaders League ha indicato Vasapolli e Associati tra gli studi leading nella classifica dei migliori studi legali e tributari italiani per il settore "Wealth Management".


5 December 2022 / NEWS

Best Law Firms for Wealth Managemet

Leaders League named Vasapolli and Associates among the leading firms in the ranking of the best Italian legal and tax firms for the "Wealth Management" sector


Top Legal Award

12 maggio 2022 / NEWS

TopLegal Industry Awards 2022

Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che il nostro Studio è stato premiato, in occasione della serata di premiazione dei prestigiosi TopLegal Industry Awards 2022, quale “Studio dell’anno Wealth Management”.
È stato un anno di incredibili riconoscimenti e vogliamo ringraziare innanzitutto TopLegal e tutti i membri della giuria per questo importante riconoscimento di cui siamo estremamente onorati.
Vogliamo inoltre ringraziare i nostri clienti, che hanno manifestato il loro apprezzamento per il nostro lavoro, gli enti e gli operatori finanziari, i Colleghi e gli Studi legali che ci chiamano in affiancamento per assistere i loro clienti nelle problematiche di pianificazione e protezione patrimoniale e di passaggio generazionale e infine il team di Professionisti dello Studio che si occupano quotidianamente con impegno e passione di tali tematiche.

L’elenco completo dei vincitori è disponibile a questo link:

12 May 2022 / NEWS

TopLegal Industry Awards 2022

We are proud to announce that our firm has been honoured as 'Wealth Management Firm of the Year' at the awards evening of the prestigious TopLegal Industry Awards 2022.
It has been a year of incredible achievements and we would first of all like to thank TopLegal and all the members of the jury for this important recognition of which we are extremely honoured.
We would also like to thank our clients, who have expressed their appreciation for our work, the institutions and financial operators, the Colleagues and Law Firms who call on us to assist their clients in wealth planning and protection and generational transfer issues, and finally the Firm's team of Professionals who deal with these issues on a daily basis with commitment and passion.

The full list of winners is available at this link:
We Wealth

22 aprille 2022 / NEWS

Legalcommunity Tax Awards 2022

Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che il nostro partner Andrea Vasapolli, in occasione della serata di premiazione del prestigioso premio “Legalcommunity Tax Awards 2022”, ha vinto il premio “Professionista dell’anno Private Clients & Wealth Management”.
Vogliamo ringraziare Legalcommunity e tutti i membri della giuria per questo importante riconoscimento di cui siamo estremamente onorati.

L’elenco completo dei vincitori è disponibile a questo link:

22 April 2022 / NEWS

Legalcommunity Tax Awards 2022

We are proud to announce that our partner Andrea Vasapolli won the "Private Clients & Wealth Management Professional of the Year" award at the prestigious "Legalcommunity Tax Awards 2022".
We would like to thank Legalcommunity and all the members of the jury for this important recognition of which we are extremely honoured.

The full list of winners is available at this link:

8 ottobre 2021 / NEWS

Andrea Vasapolli e Vasapolli Associati
premiati ai Legal Award di Milano Finanza | Class CNBC

Andrea Vasapolli e Vasapolli & Associati sono stati premiati quali migliore professionista e migliore studio del 2020/2021 nell’area Nord Ovest per la practice di Diritto Fiscale durante l’evento “Next Generation Italia” organizzato da Class CNBC | Milano Finanza | Capital e Class Editori.

8 October 2021 / NEWS

Andrea Vasapolli e Vasapolli Associati
awarded at the Legal Awards of Milano Finanza | Class CNBC

Andrea Vasapolli and Vasapolli & Associati awarded as best professional and best firm of 2020/2021 in the North West area for the practice of Tax Law during the event "Next Generation Italy" organized by Class CNBC | Milano Finanza | Capital and Class Editori.

Legal Award

18 giugno 2020 / NEWS

TopLegal Industry Awards 2020

Il nostro Studio è stato premiato come STUDIO DELL'ANNO nella categoria WEALTH MANAGEMENT durante la premiazione della quinta edizione dei TopLegal Industry Awards 2020 che si è tenuta in edizione digitale, con la seguente motivazione della giuria:
“La capacità di affrontare mandati ad elevata complessità patrimoniale e familiare ha colpito la giuria. Apprezzati in particolare gli strumenti tecnici messi in campo per la gestione del passaggio generazionale.”
Siamo molto orgogliosi di questo premio che, ancora una volta, rappresenta il riconoscimento del livello di eccellenza della nostra practice dedicata alle problematiche del passaggio generazionale, pianificazione patrimoniale e asset protection.

18 June 2020/ NEWS

TopLegal Industry Awards 2020

Our Firm was awarded as FIRM OF THE YEAR in the WEALTH MANAGEMENT category during the award ceremony of the fifth edition of the TopLegal Industry Awards 2020 held in digital edition, with the following motivation of the jury:
"The jury was impressed by the ability to handle complex family and asset issues. Particularly appreciated the technical instruments put in place for the management of the generational transfer".
We are very proud of this award which, once again, represents the recognition of the level of excellence of our practice dedicated to the issues of generational transfer, asset protection and wealth planning.

Legal Award

5 giugno 2020 / NEWS

Vasapolli & Associati Studio “Elite”
nella categoria Contenzioso Tributario
dei Legal Award 2020 di MF | Milano Finanza e Class Editori.

Il nostro Studio e i professionisti Annamaria Alliaudi, Raffaella Bello e Andrea Vasapolli sono stati selezionati da Milano Finanza e Class Editori tra i migliori professionisti e i migliori Studi Corporate 2020 nelle seguenti categorie:

Tax dispute (Contenzioso Tributario)

  • Vasapolli & Associati: categoria “Elite
  • Raffaella Bello categoria “Best
  • Andrea Vasapolli categoria “Best


  • Vasapolli & Associati categoria “Selected
  • Andrea Vasapolli categoria “Selected


  • Vasapolli & Associati categoria “Selected
  • Annamaria Alliaudi categoria “Selected
  • Andrea Vasapolli categoria “Selected

Il campione di soggetti analizzati è composto da oltre 100 mila professionisti e oltre 10 mila Studi ed il fatto di essere stati selezionati in ben tre categorie è per noi motivo di grande soddisfazione.
In particolar modo, il fatto di essere stati nominati tra i migliori 10 Studi nella categoria “Tax dispute” e di vantare ben due professionisti tra i migliori 20, rappresenta il riconoscimento del livello di eccellenza della nostra practice dedicata al contenzioso tributario.


5 June 2020/ NEWS

Vasapolli & Associates Firm "Elite"
in the "Tax Dispute" category of the 2020 Legal Awards
of mf | milano finanza and class editori.

Our Firm and the practitioners Annamaria Alliaudi, Raffaella Bello and Andrea Vasapolli have been selected, by Milano Finanza and Class Editori, among the best practitioners and best Corporate Firms 2020 in the following categories:

Tax dispute

  • Vasapolli & Associates: "Elite" category
  • Raffaella Bello "Best" category
  • Andrea Vasapolli "Best" category


  • Vasapolli & Associates "Selected" category
  • Andrea Vasapolli "Selected" category


  • Vasapolli & Associates "Selected" category
  • Annamaria Alliaudi "Selected" category
  • Andrea Vasapolli "Selected" category

The sample of subjects analyzed is composed of over 100 thousand practitioners and over 10 thousand Firms and the fact that we have been selected in three categories is a source of great satisfaction for us.
In particular, the fact that we have been nominated among the top 10 Firms in the "Tax dispute" category and that we have two practitioners among the top 20 represents the recognition of the level of excellence of our practice dedicated to tax litigation.


Le Fonti 2017

6 March 2019

Vasapolli & Associated Firm of the Year
category Family Governance and Succession Planning

On the 6th March 2019 at Le Fonti Awards, at the headquarters of the Milan Stock Exchange, Vasapolli & Associati was awarded, together with some of the most prestigious Italian law and tax firms, as Firm of the Year in the category Family Governance and Succession Planning.

We are remarkably proud of this award which is the acknowledgement of the high specialization achieved in over twenty years of activity by many professionals of the Firm in issues of protection of personal assets, family governance, family inheritance and succession planning, patronage.

A specialized team of professionals deals with issues of this area, many of whom are Accredited Professionals of the Associazione Il trust in Italia as well as full members and affiliates of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners.


6 marzo 2019

Vasapolli & Associati Studio dell’Anno
categoria Family Governance e Passaggio Generazionale

Il 6 marzo 2019 ai Le Fonti Awards, presso la sede della Borsa a Milano, Vasapolli & Associati è stato premiato, unitamente a taluni dei più prestigiosi studi legali e fiscali italiani, come Studio dell’Anno nella categoria Family Governance e Passaggio Generazionale.

Siamo particolarmente orgogliosi di questo premio che è il riconoscimento dell’alta specializzazione raggiunta in oltre vent’anni di attività da molti professionisti dello Studio nelle problematiche di protezione del patrimonio personale, family governance, problematiche successorie e di passaggio generazionale, mecenatismo.

Si occupa di quest’area un team specializzato di professionisti, molti dei quali sono Professionisti Accreditati dell’Associazione Il trust in Italia nonché full member e affiliate della Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners.

Le Fonti 2017

22 October 2017

Guido Vasapolli wins award as Innovative Firm Leader

On the 22nd October 2017 in Paris, Guido Vasapolli was named Innovative Firm Leader of the Year at the LEA Awards 2017.
This prestigious award is the recognition of his outstanding vision and direction. Guido has brought significant changes to the profession of chartered accountant in Italy, both in its execution and in the way we interpret fiscal issues. These innovations have profoundly contributed towards the evolution of our profession in Italy and to the progress nationwide of Vasapolli & Associati.




Le Fonti 2017

10 July 2017

Vasapolli & Associati wins award as Best Tax Law Firm in Italy

On the 7th June 2017 at the headquarters of the Milan Stock Exchange, Vasapolli & Associati was awarded “Best Italian Tax Law Firm”, in the “Boutique Firm Excellence - national tax law” category, at the International Le Fonti Awards.
This high-profile sector award was given to Vasapolli & Associati also as recognition of the unique agreement with the Italian Tax Authority (Agenzia delle Entrate) signed on January 2017 establishing that all the Italian Tax Authority officials have free access to the portal in all its functions, in particular the online version of the book “From the financial statement to the business income” (“Dal bilancio d’esercizio al reddito d’impresa”) by Guido Vasapolli and Andrea Vasapolli, which is constantly updated throughout the year, and the Newsletter curated by the authors of the book themselves.
Some of the most prestigious Italian tax and law firms were among the winners in other categories: Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati, CBA Studio Legale e Tributario, Legance, LabLaw, Studio Legale Sutti.

LEA Award 2015

3 November 2015

Vasapolli & Associati wins LEA Award 2015

LEA Global 2015 Awards – Miami (USA).
Vasapolli & Associati has been awarded as leading team of an international project which required tax advice for an Italian multinational company. The project involved six LEA Global firms, all based in different countries. The steps included three international takeovers (with a combined equity value higher than € 650 millions) and transfer pricing and permanent establishment issues. Vasapolli & Associati has demonstrated once again its competence to lead highly complex international tasks and the additional value of being part of an important and esteemed international network.
LEA Global is the second largest international association in the world with more than 200 firms focused on tax, accounting, audit, financial and business advisory services. LEA Global firms operate from more than 580 offices in over 100 countries, giving clients of LEA Global firms access to the knowledge, skills and experience of more than 2,000 partners and 23,000 staff members.
Vasapolli & Associati represents LEA Global in Italy.

Premio Le Fo

1 July 2015

Vasapolli & Associati has been awarded
with an honourable mention as the “Tax Boutique of Excellence”
in the “Boutique Firm Excellence - national tax law” category.

On the 25th June 2015 at the Milan Stock Exchange headquarters Vasapolli & Associati, finalist at the International Le Fonti Awards, has been awarded with an honourable mention as the “Tax Boutique of Excellence”, in the “Boutique Firm Excellence - national tax law” category.
Some of the most prestigious Italian Tax and Law firms received awards in other categories: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, SLA Deloitte, NCTM, Paul Hastings, CBA Studio Legale, Pirola Pennuto Zei, Iannaccone e Associati, Santa Maria Studio Legale Associato, Macchi di Cellere Gangemi.
We are extremely proud of this achievement and, being among such a strong field of finalists, confirms the award as “Best Italian Tax Law Firm” that our firm received in 2014 in the “Boutique Firm Excellence - national tax law” category.


LEA Award 2011

19 June 2014

Vasapolli & Associati wins award
as Best Tax Law Firm in Italy

On the 10th June 2014 at the headquarters of the Milan Stock Exchange, Vasapolli & Associati was awarded “Best Italian Tax Law Firm”, in the “Boutique Firm Excellence - national tax law” category, at the International Le Fonti Awards.
This high-profile sector award was given to Vasapolli & Associati for “an outstanding and vast editorial contribution to the profession and for excellent standards of professionalism and services offered to international businesses in Italy and Italian companies abroad.”
Some of the most prestigious Italian tax and law firms were among the winners in other categories: Bonelli Erede Pappalardo, Chiomenti, Grimaldi, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, SLA Deloitte, CBA, Iannaccone e Associati, Alleva e Associati.
Guido e Andrea Vasapolli said “we are delighted to receive this award from among such a strong field of finalists that recognises our constant commitment to create added value for our clients.”

LEA Award 2011

4 November 2011

Vasapolli & Associati wins LEA Award 2011

We are delighted to announce that our firm has won LEA Award 2011 - Innovative Firm of the Year. 
This prestigious and the most important of all the annual LEA awards, is the recognition of results we have obtained from the adoption and implementation of professional best practice on a national and international level. We are particularly proud of this award as we were competing in a field of large independent audit and professional firms recognised as best in their country with hundreds of employees. Leading Edge Alliance (LEA) is one of the leading global associations for accountants and business advisors, with a combined turnover of more than 2.4 billion dollars and 19,000 professional staff working in more than 100 countries around the world.
Vasapolli & Associati represents Leading Edge Alliance in Italy.

Leading Edge Alliance

October 2009

Vasapolli & Associati win Leading Edge Alliance
Best Innovative Firm Initiative Award 2009

Vasapolli & Associati has always been an active member of our networks, attending international conferences, and making the most of what they provide in terms of networking, information sharing and business referrals. This year, however, we decided to put our neck on the line and enter the Annual Leading Edge Awards, raising our profile within the network and competing in a field of world class accountants and business advisors from 400 professional offices around the world. We were delighted when our entry “Vasapolli and Associati - Innovation Inside and Out” brought home the Best Innovative Firm Initiative Award 2009.
Our modus operandi is to guarantee an excellent service to our clients. This has been our sole focus in our recent and continued endeavour to improve our organisation.” Andrea Vasapolli, Managing Partner.



Vasapolli & Associati wins Ferpi "Balance Sheet Oscar"

Vasapolli & Associati win the Ferpi (Italian Federation of Public Relations) “Balance Sheet Oscar” for client Cartiere del Garda in category “Large Private Companies”. Other category awards went to: Assicurazioni Generali (Insurance), Banca Sella (Banks and Finance Companies), Italcementi (Public Companies) and Eptaconsors (private SMEs).
We have been working with Vasapolli & Associati for 12 years and have always had an excellent service and strong contact with the partner in charge. As a result of their collaboration we even brought home an Italian balance sheet “Oscar”. We value their expertise which has made a significant contribution to the continued success of our company”. Michele Ferrari, CFO Cartiere del Garda (part of the CVC Capital Partners portfolio).
Launched in 1954, the “Oscar del Bilancio” is the most prestigious and recognised award in its field on a national level, born out of a collaboration with the Italian Banking Association (ABI), the National Association of Insurance Companies (ANIA), the Assolombarda bank, The Italian Stock Exchange, The National Advisory Board of Dottori Commercialisti, The Italian Post Office and financial newspaper, Il Sole 24 Ore.
The award has made a significant contribution to creating a stronger culture of transparency in Italy.